Sunday, December 4, 2011

You just never know

Yesterday, thanks to family, I was treated to a girl's day which included a trip to Liv Aveda for a facial. This is a once a year treat (if that!) so I was excited to relax and be pampered.

As the woman began she asked me about my pregnancy and if this was my first baby. I said no, it was not my first. "Oh, do you have a little one at home?"

Such tough questions for anyone who has lost a child. Having also lost a second child through miscarriage after Hazel, I never know how much to say and yet I can't help but acknowledge my children.

She could tell from my pause that something was wrong. I answered "I have two children in heaven" and she replied "me too." The conversation then turned to if I work and what I do. I mentioned my job at the bank and that I am also the executive director of a nonprofit organization. Little was said after that as she dimmed the lights and I closed my eyes.

When the facial was over she came back into the room and asked if I had any information I could give her. Apparently the business likes to choose a nonprofit to raise awareness for each month and they raise money by letting the employees wear jeans and the color of the cause. I handed her a business card and immediately she asked, "Does this have to do with hearts?" I replied yes and she went on, "I know a little boy who is five years old and has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. I don't know if you know what that is but he has had four open heart surgeries, has a pacemaker, and is looking to receive a heart transplant this next year."

I looked at her stunned. "Yes, I know what HLHS is, that is what my daughter died from. Most people have never heard of a congenital heart defect and you know what HLHS is? Incredible!"

I'm hoping they do choose Lasting Imprint as their nonprofit some month in the future, but the biggest thing I took away from that meeting was that you just never know who has or who will be affected by CHD...


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