Saturday, September 22, 2012

Helpful Resources

Throughout the year I often get emails from heart parents about different resources they have found helpful or situations where they've learned something that may be good for others to know.  I would like to share a couple of these items with you today!

1.  "Heart of the Matter" is a documentary produced by the Children's Heart Foundation that takes an in depth look at CHD.  To learn more please visit

2.  "Heart Warriors" a book written by Amanda Rose Adams, a CHD parent, is an honest and very personal narrative about the fight against congenital heart disease.  You can learn more about her story here.

3.  One of the realities of CHD is that parents and children have to cope with a diagnosis no one ever wanted to receive.  The life you live becomes much different than the one you imagined, and while many can find the blessings within this journey, there are also a lot of emotions that may be challenging for families.  "Coping with Childhood Chronic Illness" was recommended to me as a resource that is very informative and validating for parents.

4.  Tip from a heart mom if you are flying somewhere:
Most airlines do not provide oxygen on board anymore (Delta) as they used to so watch for extra paperwork, allow more time and budget for rental of equipment.  Virgin and British Airways both provide oxygen free of charge.

If you have tips for others that you'd like me to share, please feel free to email me at


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